He is really good with a spoon as long as the end is covered in peanut butter, he is a peanut butter fiend and it cracks me up. Every once in a while I will stick a chocolate chip under the peanut butter just to watch his face get all happy. SO CUTE! I will get a picture of this sometime.
He of late has been loving the space we now have, it is AWESOME, yes we are still in a renting situation ( I would say apartment but its a condo really) but Leland just takes off the minute his clothes are off and is doing laps or dancing like a maniac in the living room! Again SO CUTE..
We have also made the switch to sippy cups during the day. I don't have the heart to take away his morning bottle or his evening bottle. But next week we get rid of the morning bottle and the week after that the evening bottle. SO far it has gone smoothly....
His new found love is either drawing(which consists of a capped pen or marker on a piece of paper.) or reading to himself, which is about the sweetest thing and I can't describe it but this morning I was sitting on the couch reading "The Hobbit" and he grabbed a book, and came up next to me, he thought he needed my glasses to read his book, but once he was assured he would be fine without them, he opened his book and started jabbering away. I guess he gets that from listening (ok he never listens but his dad better be) to me read the scriptures out load in the morning while we are getting ready. Its just cute! I love to read, and I hope to pass that on to him, again, I can be labeled as a nerd! Here he is enjoying some of the books we just got from Gram (thanks Mom!)
He is also starting to recognize sentences which is fun for me. So far he knows or pretends to know:D "Lets get a bottle""Want to go see Eli(he also knows go, and check the mail)""let's go find dada(we use this one most mornings.. Brian is not so fond of it)""Lets go to the crib"(which he always does obediently and then panics when I come in behind him:D) So its been so fun to watch him grow up, and start to learn things and then I realize he isn't going to be my "baby" much longer, sure I will still call him that, but in another 7 months my baby will enter the terrible 2's. Oh one more thing since I use this as my journal.. we were sitting in the car playing waiting for Brian to get off of work, and when he saw him coming towards us he threw his hands out the window and squeaked Dada! It was again the cutest thing ever. Granted he has been saying mama since he was like 10 months, he says it when hes angry.. or sad, or everything in between...
Clearly you are also a fan of flagrant misuse of the superlative. I approve. I LOVE thes pics. What a doll baby! Now if we only had one of he and I in the hamster cage at McDs!
He is sure one cute kid! I love when kids sit and read out loud using their jibberish. I swear it's the cutest thing in the world!!
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